
The Ethics Of The Vermont Teddy Bear Company

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Introduction The purpose of this article is to illuminate the need for any organization to have its IT strategy and business strategy properly aligned. While many organizations view IT and business alignment as an event – it is actually an on-going process, or continuous journey. Therefore, the main problem is that many organizations of today still hold these two principles (business mission & IT strategy) as two separate entities. However, in the Information Age – collaboration is key to capturing and retaining market penetration. To not have alignment with the IT and business strategy together is not a matter of want it is a matter of survival. This report will expand upon the need for business and IT strategic alignment as well as examine what happens in lack of a comprehensive plan. This will be done by examining the Vermont Teddy Bear company prior to and after the arrival of Bob Stetzel, the Vice President of Information Technology. This document will view it findings and make recommendations on the immediate and future operations of the company. VTB Organizational Challenges The challenges facing Mr. Bob Stetzel upon his arrival at VTB were many. However there are some which weigh heavier on the success of the organization than others. It is those challenges that will be highlighted in this report. One such problem is the constant influx of uneven demand for products and services – which suggests a lack of IT strategy connected to the business goals.

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