
The Health Insurance Portability And Accountability Act Of 1996 ( Hipaa )

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HIPPA and Information Management Introduction The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) was passed to protect patients, it offer the following benefits (a) enables the patient to find out how their health records can be used, (b) limits the release of personnel health records, (c) patients have the opportunity to receive a copy of their health records, and (d) gives the patient the authority to control if their information will be disclosed to a third party. Under HIPPA any information that can be used to identify an individual is covered under the law. HIPPA and information management allows the federal government to implement guidelines to ensure that there are standards in place during the (a) …show more content…

Literature Review HIPPA and Information Management Regulatory Background HIPAA and Information Management is a set of guidelines that have been established by the Federal government to protect the privacy and security of health information. The government passed the HIPPA legislation to accomplish the following: (a) expedite quality health care, (b) increase control over and access of medical records, and (c) decrease administrative cost of healthcare providers (Artnak, & Benson, 2005). The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is the federal agency that has been mandated to develop guidelines, and procedures. The government published the HIPPA privacy rules and the HIPPA security rules (National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2008). HIPPA laws are designed to (a) protect the person’s medical records, (b) protect personal information, (c) provide protection to medical professionals, and (d) offer the capability to incorporate new technology to improve the quality and efficiency of patient care (HHS, n.d.a). As a result of the rapid change in technology there are concerns regarding how to secure and manage electronic health records. Can anyone guarantee that electronic health records will ever be 100% secure? If you think about it, when medical records were strictly maintained using paper no one could offer 100% security. The government has measures in place to keep up with the ever so changing world of information

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