
The Importance Of Management At Mcdonald 's And Google Essay

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In what ways are management of companies different or how are they similar to one another? And what is the importance of management in how a company runs nowadays? Many of us question about why knowing the history of management is important to Managers? According to (Samson et al, 2012, Page 53) “A historical perspective provides a broader way of thinking; a way of searching for patterns and determining whether they recur across time periods.” In the history of management, many trends have appeared. Many argue that the new techniques being introduced may not have a permanent solution. Others think that managers adapting to new techniques for continuous improvement in this ever changing world. It is important to know the background of how these management perspectives evolved and who and how is it being used now.

McDonald’s and Google are two of the biggest well known companies that I have decided to research and write about. Why are they so successful and how did they manage to stay in business for such a long period of time? Management, is definitely one of the key points to their success. The purpose of this essay is to show the similarities and the differences between two management perspectives in which both companies are using and that has been around for generations. In this essay, I will describe how and and why my examples illustrate the classical and humanistic approach. This essay will begin with an overview of the importance of classical and humanistic

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