
The Second Shift By Arlie Russell Hochschild

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“The Second Shift” by Arlie Russell Hochschild sheds light on the fact that America is stuck in a perpetual loop, unable to change its societal gender expectations. Substantial progress has been made when it comes to women in the workplace, but that same progress is lacking when it comes to a woman’s work within the home. When looking at employed women the term “second shift” can be brought to the forefront. The expression “second shift” refers to the tasks done around the house after the initial work hours are through. Hochschild critiques how the American career system treats the “second shift”; she makes it clear that the working American society has yet to take the additional shift into consideration due to the already implemented …show more content…

The Holts struggle with something known as a leisure gap, meaning that the husband, Evan, has more time to relax compared to his significant other, Nancy. Anything having to do with their son Joey is Nancy’s responsibility. With the constant exhaustion due to the “second shift”, something as enjoyable as sex has become undesirable. Sex for Nancy now, “seems like more work.” (page 99) Constantly having to be the one to handle Joey has created a strong attachment between him and his mother. Evan blames the attachment Joey has with his mother as a “problem” with the boys Oedipus complex, instead of calling attention to his lack of involvement in Joey’s life. This adds a lot of stress onto Nancy, who wanted a more egalitarian household, she was always on a shift. Their marriage eventually dwelled down to the housework following a concept they made called “upstairs” and “downstairs”, The downstairs being the garage, storage, and hobbies, while the upstairs was the kitchen, dining room, bedrooms, bathrooms, and living rooms. Nancy was tasked with the “upstairs”, while Evan the “downstairs”. What Horchild means when she

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