
The Union And The European Union

Decent Essays

The European Union is an entity that is seen nowhere else in the world. It is not a government, it is not an international organization, and it is not just an association of states. The European Union members, instead, have decided to turnover part of their sovereignty to the Union so that many decisions can be made at the institutions leadership level. This partnership includes 28 diverse democracies built together on the basis of complex treaties. Although the goals of this organization were to assist with expanding economic prosperity, peace and stability throughout its member states, the European Union has been faced with ever-pressing concerns in the recent past that are very serious and may in fact become fatal to the continued coalescing between members. These problems can be categorized into three categories; economic, social, and political.
Economically, the last 6 or so years have been nothing short of dismal for the European Union and its members. Due to the diversity among its members own national economic policies, the European Union’s economic configuration and its single currency were shown to be somewhat incoherent. The European Union’s gross domestic product only grew a measly one percent in 2013, compared to the United States’ 2.2 percent growth. In December 2014, unemployment among member nations of the European Union hovered around 11.4 percent, while the United States unemployment rate held at around 5.6 percent. Even though in the U.S. we are ever

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