
Essay about Unit 532 Diploma 5

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1. Understand the purpose of supervision
1.1 Evaluate the theoretical approaches to professional supervision
The theoretical thoughts around supervision come from the student and teacher, the supervisee learning from the supervisor. The apprentice learning from the master of the trade.
The general social care council clearly states that:
‘As social care worker, you must be accountable for the quality of your work and take responsibility for maintaining and improving your skills knowledge ‘.
In the hierarchy sense the supervisee could have more experience than the supervisor.
This would then not seem as teacher student.
What then can the supervisor bring to the supervision? Knowledge and understanding of legislation needed to support the …show more content…

2. Understand how the principles of supervision can be used to inform performance management
2.1 Explain the key principles of effective professional supervision
The key principle of supervision is for the worker to be able to carry out their job role as effectively as possible. Enhancing their understanding of their own practise.
‘Supervision aims to identify solutions to problems, improve practise and increase understanding of professional issues,’ (UKCC, 19960
Supervision should provide support and knowledge, to allow the growth of the supervisee, ensuring development and training is provided for the supervisee to develop into the role expected of them.
The service user should be in the centre of all supervision ensuring that they receive the best possible care .A key principle of supervision is for the supervisor to support the supervisee to understand the policies and standards of the home and what is expected of them to ensure they work to the highest of the standards .
Encouraging a supervisee to use reflection on their own practise will ensure the supervisee can bring to supervision a practise that will help them identify problems or solutions to the problem.
2.2 Analyse the importance of managing performance * Governance * Safeguarding * Key learning from critical reviews and inquiries
The management of the supervisee, allows the supervisor to not only guide and direct the supervisee, but enables them to manage their performance and direction of

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