
Verizon Brand Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

Brand strategy is of upmost importance when it comes to customer visualizing a company. Branding is critical to the company as well as the product. The company brand embodies what the company is about,including the product (Hatline, M.D. & Ferrel, O.C., 2014). Branding provides the company with leverage when it tries to enter new markets Whether that be new locations or new product offerings (Douglas, S. P., Craig, C. S., & Nijssen, E. J., 2001).

I am currently employed at Verizon. Verizon is the brand name and the red check mark is the brand mark. The brand name and brand mark have been very effective in the past. Verizon's branding strategy in the past has been all about the customers wireless phone service. Verizon is one of the leading

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