
What is Cloud Storage?

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An introduction In simple terms, it's just a storage located remotely which you can access anywhere. It's like storing your files online and accessing it anywhere while using your laptop, mobile device or another PC. What is cloud storage? Cloud storage basic terms, is a way to save information to the web that can managed data storage. Cloud computing services are online services, which store this information to a safe and secure location online. It’s offered a quicker, easier and safer backup than conventional methods of file storage such as bookshelves or cardboard files. Several types of cloud storage systems have been developed to supporting both personal and business uses. Cloud storage also a model of networked …show more content…

Next way to use Cloud Storage is to back up any data (movies, pictures, videos, documents, etc.). This comes in handy when your equipment fails, gets hacked or you pick up a virus that prevents you from accessing your equipment. Instead, you can go get new computers and then go online and access all your data without a problem of losing anything. Everything is secure and safely stored. You can allow access to clients or employees around the world, which is safer than sending that data through the worldwide web. Many times people will send an email and the recipient never receives the email. Then both are left wondering if you really took the time to do what you said. With Cloud Storage, you can upload the data, or files, then share it with the people you want. They can then go online to the Cloud Storage provider and retrieve the data themselves when they are ready. This makes everything more convenient and that data will remain in the cloud storage servers until you delete it personally. Many other Internet users and businesses are using Cloud Storage providers for security reasons. Many providers are constantly improving their security features which protects your data. This makes your data more secure than you could actually provide without paying a lot of money in software. The provider can also prevent viruses from corrupting your data, since it is an encrypted data storage center. Since the service protects this

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