
What is Cognitive Development Theory?

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Cognitive development is best described as how a person's thought process develops, and how these thought processes impact how we comprehend and interact in the world (Cherry, 2014). As a person progresses through life from childhood to adulthood, the manner to which they take in knowledge and mature is the basic theory of cognitive development. There are many different opinions and theories to cognitive development, but through each of these there are three things that are always constant;
1. There are multiple stages of learning throughout a person's life, and each person will inevitably experience each of these stages.
2. Constructivism will always be present.
3. The influences of society will always limit the growth of a …show more content…

Vygotsky's theory was based on the premises that intellectual development was a social process unequivocally linked to the teaching of information, he believed that learning proceeded development (McLeod, 2007), Piaget however considered intellectual development an extremely personal process, he believed that people gained knowledge based on their experiences as opposed to their teachings (Piaget, 1973).
As described above, Piaget's theory was centered on the development of an individual's schemes and his belief that people developed their schemes personally with no outside teachings. Vygotsky on the other hand based his theory on the idea that language is fundamental in intellectual development, and that knowledge cannot develop without proper teaching. Vygotsky theorized that children integrated the speech of others into their own learning, he referred to this a private speech, Vygotsky believed that children would use their "private speech" to help gain knowledge and advance their intellectual development. Today we refer to Vygotsky's theory as The Zone of Proximal Development or ZDP, ZDP characterizes cognitive development as a person's capability to use thought to manage their behavior, this can only come after a person becomes proficient in their cultures language methods, once this occurs an individual uses these methods to adjust their thought process (Kozulin, 1997). Education under the ZPD today

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