
Why Education Is Important For The Future

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For me teaching is an opportunity to invest in the future. The importance of education cannot be acknowledged enough. It is a lifelong process that never ends. And the building blocks of learning happens in the early stages. Early childhood and elementary education is vital stage in each child life and I believe each child deserves the right to have the best quality education. An educator should be a leader, role model and facilitator to their students. Being an educator is not an easy task if so everyone would be able to do it. The purpose of education is to create a spark in a child’s curiosity. And to be able to learn and build on the skills that they already have. Along with being excited about learning. I want allow my students to navigate through social interactions with peers and provide them with the building blocks to figure out what they want to do with their lives. In fact I trust when an educator makes learning fun it opens more opportunity for questions and discovery for a child and adults.
Environment and Literacy
I believe that reading is very vital and I want to make sure as a teacher I provide my students developmentally appropriate. I will do this by basing my lessons on the NAEYC standards “Daily experiences of being read to and independently reading meaningful and engaging stories and informational texts” (NAEYC 10). I will read to my class daily and encourage them to read 10 minutes a night. I also will encourage them to do independent reading within

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