
Why Is the Initial Consultation so Important? What Factors Will an Ethical Therapist Cover at This Time?

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Why is the initial consultation so important? What factors will an ethical therapist cover at this time? There are a multitude of factors that a therapist must consider during the initial consultation. I will describe the actual mechanics of the consultation, the ethical considerations facing the therapist and the particular challenges of the actual consultation itself. Before even meeting the client, it is vitally important to consider the role of the environment in the therapeutic space. Consequently, there are a number of aspects of the room itself that need to be looked at. The layout of the room should be considered. The generally accepted approach is to have 2 upright chairs facing each other at an angle for the …show more content…

Many of the issues that clients face derive from deeply held beliefs within their subconscious mind. We will be challenging the negative beliefs that individual holds. Achievable Goals. The client's goal may be obvious, but not necessarily achievable immediately. If for example your client is obese and wants to lose ten stone in a matter of a few months, this would be neither possible nor healthy. It is far better to break down any large long terms goal into small, achievable ones. The added benefit is that the smaller goals are achieved more quickly , and the client gains in confidence with every small step forward that they take. Avoidance of any clichés, slang or colloquialisms. When we consider that the therapist's main tool is their voice, it is vitally important that they employ precision and accuracy in their language. The use of slang terms can cause confusion within the sub concious, as it may take the literal meaning of a word such 'wicked' or 'cool' rather than their current accepted usage. Accessing the root cause of the anxiety. Whilst the client may come to you with a specific problem that they wish to address, it may well be that this problem is caused by underlying issues that they cannot, or sometimes, will not face. For example, a client who wishes to lose weight, may actually be comfort eating as a response to low self

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