
Winner University Goals

Decent Essays

I have recently been provided with the opportunity to become the head basketball coach of Winner University. Winner University is an institution that competes at the division one level of the National Collegiate Athletic Association. The program is known for making it to the Final Four and winning the national championship for college basketball, this particular program is also known for producing NBA standouts. Winner University is a dynasty and is known for nothing but greatness in the basketball world. The particular problem that I am facing is that I am knew to this program and I want to incorporate my own coaching style and beliefs into the program, while continuing to upheld the tradition of winning here at Winner University. My goals …show more content…

One of these skills would be my willingness to learn. No matter how old that you get I think that you can always learn something. I honestly believe in the saying “you learn something new every day”; there is no way that you know everything in the world. I will try to learn as much from each one of my players as I can because they are all unique with different backgrounds, I should be able to take something away from them positive or negative. I think that another unique skill that I have is dependability. All of my players can depend on me to be there for them by having an open door policy if they need to talk about anything that is going on in their life. I understand that they are young men and people before they are basketball players, and emotions and hardships are a part of them growing up to become …show more content…

The coaching staff will have more of an insight into my madness because they will be helping me win games by bringing their unique skills to the table. The players have to have some sort of understanding of my madness to get them to buy into what I am trying to bring to Winner University. The goals that I have for my coaching staff are to gain the trust of the players that I bring in, win Coaching Staff of the Year for our conference, and to use the experience they get to help better their careers as coaches. I will sit down with each player and see what individual goals they want to accomplish before the season starts. Some of them might want to win a national championship and enter the NBA Draft, some might want to go play professionally overseas, and others might want to get their college degree in three years while earning All-Conference honors. I will let the players dictate their own goals and do my best to help them meet these goals. I will motivate my coaching staff and players by providing them with incentives. I feel like rewarding individuals for their hard work will keep them

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