
Xu Bing 's A Chinese Artist

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Xu Bing’s is a Chinese artist who studied printmaking at the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing. His style of art is defined as social realist which was greatly influenced by his time at a re-education camp during the Cultural Revolution in the late 1960’s and 70’s. he favored the popular phrase in that time “ Use your pen as a weapon and shoot down reactionary gangs”. Bing’s father was a historian and his mother was an administrator in the library of science. A Book from the Sky is a four volume printed bound book a total of 604 pages invented 4,000 characters and hand-carved them into wood blocks with walnut wooden cases written in 1988-1991.It is classified as sculpture. It is filled with false Chinese characters, invented by Xu Bing then he cut out pear wood to create the movable type printing technique invented by the Chinese in the 11th century. He uses a traditional Chinese typesetting, and binding stringing. ”Each sheet is folded to make two pages; there are nine columns per page and up to seventeen characters per column. Each double-page sheet is folded along the center line of the print rack and stitch bound. Six-hole stitching , a blank paper lining folded into each –double page covered corner, and blue-dyed volume covers all derived from traditional Chinese book of binding of the highest quality. Xu expresses his hope for a single, universally understood language. Inspired by airport signs that communicate instantaneously through images--directing a

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