
Analysis Of The Sky Is Not The Limit By Nicole Aunapu Mann

Decent Essays

On Wednesday, May 9, 2018, I attended a presentation by NASA astronaut, Nicole Aunapu Mann, titled “The Sky is Not the Limit” at Grand Rapids Public Museum in the Meijer Theater at 7:30 pm. As Nicole was introduced to the audience by a colleague, he mentioned that Mann aspires to be the first woman on the moon. According to the NASA Diversity and Inclusion Assessment Survey, NASA’s employees are about 60% male and 40% female (WESTAT 17). Throughout this presentation I thought about how my identity and Nicole’s success story as women in this society relates to the identities of men and how they can succeed. Mann made it a priority for her presentation to discuss the many obstacles and hard work that comes with being an astronaut. She explained that she is constantly learning new things in order to one day travel to space and, eventually, the moon. Some of the things that Mann has experienced in her time at NASA is learning Russian, flight training, robotics, and living in the woods, underwater, and in a cave (Mann). This list represents the hard work, passion, and dedication that is needed to be an astronaut. Additionally, Mann is a mother. Balancing between raising a child and being an astronaut is a task that some in our society might say is impossible for a woman, but she makes …show more content…

In today’s society, education is a primary factor to success. Astronauts have to be trained in multiple different departments such as engineering, health, aviation, and even language. Nicole majored in mechanical engineering, but did not know what she wanted to do. This showed the idea that with an educational background, you can do so much more and learn so much more. Through her presentation, Mann influenced children, women, and even men that with intelligence, hard work, and drive, anyone could be an

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