
Climate Change Argumentative Essay

Decent Essays

Climate change is a change of our Earth’s climate throughout a long period of time. An example of climate change is the glaciers melting in the Arctic. When the glaciers it signals that our Earth is warming. This is a very serious issue because if the Earth is warming it can cause more intense storms or make it easier for natural disasters. Natural disasters are already a big enough problem as they are. Climate change is something we can not throw to the side. This is something that will eventually have very negative effects of life. In this century the Earth’s temperature has raised about 1 degree Fahrenheit. Even the littlest change like this makes a very big difference.
Climate change is caused from many things. One huge factor is …show more content…

We will use more fossil fuels, have more toxins released till we don’t have anything anymore. That’s the harsh reality, if we don’t take action now we will end up dead. It’s so important to get the word out about this right now and do everything possible so our climate doesn’t keep getting higher. The higher it gets the more we are in risk.
We need to care about this issue because it can determine life or death. If we help this situation if could save us. However, if we don’t it could kill us. Since our earth is heating we can get more intense weather which can cause houses to get ruined or even lost. We should care for and help the people that have lost their homes because the intense weather. We can help by giving food, clothes, donate money, and going to that place and help with the cleanup. If something were to happen to your belongings and home would you want everyone to not worry or not have any help? I bet not. So let's help people who have lost their things. This is truly not something we shouldn’t worry about and throw to the side. This needs action as soon as possible! I think we need a law about fossil fuels and burning greenhouse gases. I think it should not be legal. It has too many effects on life that are too dangerous. Even if this becomes a law some people will still do it and they need consequences. I think this is wrong to have this happening in our world today. In some places around the world

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