
Persuasive Essay On Green House Effect

Decent Essays

We as a society have reached one of the most crucial time periods in the history of our world. Due to the way we have used the resources on this earth we have created a situation in which our climate is drastically changing. The burning of fossil fuels such as coal and oil has caused gases like carbon dioxide to become trapped in the atmosphere causing a natural greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect has caused the earth’s average temperature to rise and has resulted in arctic glaciers melting. These glaciers had gases trapped inside them that are now being released into the atmosphere further raising the earth's temperature. Due to the way we are polluting our air we have caused global warming. This global warming has caused stronger natural disasters such as hurricanes and wildfires putting our society in more danger than ever before. Joseph Fournier came up with the idea of the greenhouse effect in 1824. In the late 1950’s Charles Keeling created a tool in Mauna Loa Hawaii to measure the amount of carbon dioxide being trapped in the atmosphere due to the greenhouse effect. This tool has discovered a steady increase in the carbon dioxide levels over the last fifty years in what has become known as the “Keeling Curve”. Keeling discovered that about twenty five percent of the carbon dioxide molecules in our atmosphere are man made. These carbon dioxide molecules being trapped in the atmosphere are raising earth's temperature at a dangerous rate. Many in the science

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