
Disadvantages Of Strategic Planning

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Strategic planning is a process that can allows us to both study and conduct simulations of the future. The process can show hidden opportunities or threats and providing the way to apply on them early. Strategic planning gives a clear framework with criteria for us to make day-to-day decisions, It also help to identify fragmentary and unaligned choices and personal value judgments. This strategic planning encourages the commitment of the entire HO in order to achieve the planned results and this is why it is an important element in institutional cohesion. An organization that has better strategic planning and applies it consistently can help to raise up corporate reputation.
A strategic plan is the systematic way that describes how your company apply the chosen strategy. A plan list out where an organization is going within few years and how it’s going to reach there. Moreover, the plan is focused on a major function such as a division or a department.
A strategic plan may list out the purpose of helping an organization do a job in better way. This is because a plan focuses the energy, resources, and time in the organization to meet the same destination.
A strategic plan is a management tool that help to
• build your competitive advantage
• Communicates your strategy to staff
• Prioritizes your financial needs
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Strategic planning in healthcare shows the financial sustainability of the project as planned. It lets us know the basic question, “Will my idea work?” During this phase of planning it’s possible to discover that the answer to that question is a decided “no”. However, many times a diligent strategic planning process will find alternatives, other healthcare or medical services, likely to be more successful than the original idea. All of this is invaluable information to have discovered before committing more time and money to any given project as originally

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