
Elements Of A Sociological Theory Of Religion

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Conclusion Through our examination of Hislop (2013) and other supporting material during this class, we have discovered the characteristics and nature of knowledge management strategy. Using my organization as a back drop it has become clear the one does not merely undertake a knowledge management program and expect success. Instead, it requires a thorough examination of the organization, essential knowledge, key roles, policies, politics, available technology

and leadership. creation and unlearning, motivations, communications, and boundaries, politics, the use of information communication technologies, and strategies for knowledge management practices.
The dissertation topic that I have contemplated relates to the catechetical methods of the early Church and their application to adult modern learning /teaching methods …show more content…

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Hislop, D. (2013). Knowledge management in organizations: A critical introduction (3rd ed.). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
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