
The Importance Of Logos In Writing

Decent Essays

In every speech you hear, news article you read, and commercial you see rhetoric is being used. Rhetoric is a technique used to try and persuade or please an audience. When writing, writers always have to think about the subject of the situation, their audience, the occasion (place and time), and the purpose or point that they are trying to get across. A key thing that writers focus on is ethos, logos and pathos, all of these play a huge role in trying to convince the audience to believe what the speaker believes or buy what they are selling. Ethos is trying to get the audience to trust you or getting someone who the audience trusts, logos is using logic and reason like numbers and graphs and statistics, ethos is going after the audience's emotions or beliefs to make them feel more connected or understanding. With all this in mind, you have to know how and when to use these different ways of persuasion because if you don’t you will have an inneffective piece of writing. When using your rhetorical devices correcting and you can persuade someone, that is an effective piece of writing. Man Takes First Steps on the Moon is an example of an effective piece of writing that persuades the public that Neil Armstrong had made the most historic scientific achievement in the history of man. In this article it mentions former president Nixon describing is as “one of the greatest moments of our time.” This example shows how mentioning the President at the time can get trust from the

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