
Google vs. Monopoly

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Google vs. Monopoly


Long Journey To Victory .…………………………………………………………………………………………………..…..2

Evil Monopoly …………….………………….….……………….…………………….……………………………………………..3



Google vs. Monopoly

Introduction When running a large system of goods or services which millions of people follow, it is obvious there will be ones who will be jealous of such a system and who will try to prevent or break this system by any means whether it involves cheating or …show more content…

(U.S., 2013)
The resolution disappointed consumer rights groups and Google rivals such as Microsoft, which had lodged complaints with regulators in the hope of legal action that would split up or at least hobble the internet's most powerful company. (Timberg, 2001) Evil Monopoly A monopoly is an aristocratic domination of a specific product or service by one essence. It usually associates with a control by a business organization. A classic example of a monopoly would be Microsoft. Oligopoly is a relevant term in which a product or service is managed by a small group of large business organizations. Generally, economists come to the same agreement that monopoly is in fact corrupting and damaging. A monopoly weakens the free market moderation which in turn leads to a crippled economy. This is how the progress for capitalism is supported. The outcomes of oligopolies can turn out the same way but since there is a small group of large corporations, the competition is the key to preventing the disadvantages that can easily happen under monopolistic control. Monopoly opens doors wide for anti-competitive practices.
Price gouging is one of such practices. If there is not

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