
How Did Fidel Castro Rise To Power

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Fidel Castro
Fidel Castro was born into a family of 6 children, him being the 3rd oldest. He was born near Birán, Cuba on August 13, 1926. Fidel’s father, Angel Castro, originally from Spain, moved to Cuba and became a successful sugar plantation owner. Fidel went to many boarding schools, where he excelled in sports and academics. He entered into law school after graduating. In 1948 he married Mirta Diaz Balart, she was born in a wealthy family. Together they had one child, Fidelito. Through this marriage he became more wealthy than he had been and had more political contact. Fidel ran in the elections of 1952, but they were cancelled due to Cuba being overthrown by Fulgencio Batista. In 1953 him and 150 supports lead an attack to try and overthrow Batista. He was unsuccessful and was sentenced to 15 years in prison. This event made him famous throughout Cuba. In 1955 he made a deal with the Batista Government and was released from prison. During that time he could not support his family, …show more content…

For the next few years Fidel’s brothers, Raúl and Guevara, arranged resistance groups all across Cuba. In 1958, Batista’s government failed due to Fidel’s army. In 1959 Fidel became Prime Minister. Once Castro was leader, he reached out to factories and plantations in an effort to end the dominance that the U.S. had economically over the island. Many times Castro denied being communist, but to the Americans it seemed as if he was using the same tactics as the Soviet Union. The U.S. refused to import sugar to Cuba, because Cuba wasn’t processing oil. Castro teamed up with the Soviet Union, and in October of 1962 they planned to start a nuclear war. They set up missiles 90 miles off the coast of Florida in Cuba. American planes discovered the missiles before they were installed. In exchange for the removal of the missiles, Kennedy and Khrushchev agreed that America would not invade

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