
Principles Of Safeguarding And Protection In Health And Social Care

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Principles of safeguarding and protection in health and social care Know how to recognise signs of abuse Physical abuse - This is use of physical force that can result in injury. This could be due to being slapped, punched, kicked, scratched, biting, and strangling. Sexual abuse – This is unwanted sexual activity that is forced upon a person without their consent, this includes rape, making them watch pornography, pestering them by making sexual suggestions or comments, or they were pressured into consenting. Emotional/psychological abuse – This is controlling behaviours like shouting and calling the service user names. Could be threats of harm or of being abandoned, being deprived of contact with others, being humiliated, …show more content…

I will reassure the service user and explain to them that their safety is most important and it’s my duty of care to inform the manager. The report will be confidential. I will let my manger know what has happened immediately in private. I will only record and report the facts that the service user told me. Depending what is found the service user may need to be monitored, plus a care plan put into place to protect the service user that must be followed. The actions to take if an individual alleges that they are being abused. Report the service user’s allegation to the manager in private. I would record the facts on appropriate paperwork using their words. I will listen and not judge the service user. I will establish what has happened and report any suspicions to my manager. I will reassure the service user at all times, and take the allegations seriously. I will speak clearly and precise and will avoid asking leading questions. I will date and sign the paperwork, get it signed by witnesses if there are any. Photographs will be taken of the evidence if this is possible. Identify ways to ensure evidence of abuse is preserved Record the facts immediately Report immediately Do not tamper with the evidence. Leave things as they are do not touch anything. Do not clean or wash what the service user is wearing. Do not handle service users’ clothes or bedding. Keep the area safe; do not let anyone enter the area. Keep any

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