
Research Methodology. 3.1. Introduction. This Part Will

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3.1. Introduction
This part will presents the details of the research design and methodology that use to conduct the study and it will includes: research design, population and sampling techniques, data source and data collection methods and finally research procedures and data analysis methods will be presented.
3.2. Research design
Research design is a conceptual structure with in which research is conducted and it constitutes the blue print for the collection, measurement and analysis of data(Kothari, 2004 ). The study will be conducted by using quantitative approach. Quantitative research used to explorer quantitative data. This study will aim to determine the relationship between the independent variables and the …show more content…

The population of the study will include employees of Quara woreda public sector at woreda level. To determine the sample the researcher will use proportionate stratified sampling technique which is a probability sampling method. The base to stratify the population is that those offices which will get office /service related to employee. So, based on this, the population will be grouped into 23 offices (agriculture office, compliant office, Technical and vocational office, communication office, Road and transport office, Administrative security office, Business office, administration office, civil service office, Finance and economy development office, Revenue office, Women’s and children’s affairs office, Culture and truism office, Sport and youth office, Education office, Health office, Justice office, Environmental keeping office, Water development office, Cooperative office). Each group will be taken as strata and from the total of ------ employees ----- will be selected by using Yamane 1967 sample size determination formula n=N/1+Ne2 n=sample size, N=population of the study, e=0.05 level of significance.
Then the researcher will use proportion allocation method to determine the sample size for each stratum .The size of the sample from different strata is kept proportional to the size of the strata. Using the formula of proportional

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