
Safeguarding: Abuse and Vulnerable Adults

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The Safeguarding Policy of HIT Training for all assessors Safeguarding Policy Policy Statement HIT Training Ltd is strongly committed to practices that protect children, young people and vulnerable adults from abuse, neglect or significant harm. Staffs recognise and accept their responsibility to develop the awareness of the risks and issues involved in safeguarding. The company also recognises that it has a responsibility to protect staff from unfounded allegations of abuse. The company is committed to working with existing local safeguarding or adult safeguarding Boards and other health and social care partnerships to ensure the safeguarding of its learners. The company will ensure it has one nominated person the Operations Director …show more content…

Training The company has a duty to promote safeguarding issues and measures to staff and ensure they:     Analyse their own practice against established good practice, and assess risk to ensure their practice is likely to protect them from false allegations Recognise their responsibilities and report any concerns about suspected poor practice or possible abuse Follow the guidelines for staff Undertake annual training on safeguarding to raise awareness of current issues and legislation The company delivers Safeguarding workshops throughout the year and in the selection process, guidelines should be followed in terms of accompanying prospective staff and site visits. At induction, all staff should receive the Safeguarding policy, or be shown where to access the policy on Google docs Criminal Record Bureau Checking The company has a responsibility to ensure safe recruitment and employment practices. New and existing staff who frequently or intensively work with children, young people and vulnerable adults in training, supervision, care, advice, treatment and transport have to be checked through the Home Office for criminal record information: this is undertaken at HIT and coordinated by our personnel administrator Our recruitment and selection process advises all applicants that their recruitment is subject to a satisfactory enhanced CRB check. In February 2009 the new Independent Safeguarding

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