
Sexual Orientation And Gender Orientation Essay

Decent Essays

e Henry
Paper 4
Sexual orientation

The theme that we have been focusing on in class for the past two weeks is sexual orientation. Sexual orientation is more complex than just the gender a person is attracted to. Instead sexual orientation is on more of a spectrum. On one end of the spectrum a person can be solely heterosexual and on the opposite side a person can be completely homosexual. This also means that a person can be bisexual if they identify more in the middle of the spectrum. The spectrum allows for all individuals of all different sexualities to have a place on the spectrum. In the films Chasing Amy and XXY we see two individuals who are more fluid with their sexuality and do not identify with being solely homosexual or solely heterosexual.
The movie Chasing Amy is about a woman named Alyssa. Alyssa faces many judgments from her friends when she tells them that she is now seeing a man. Alyssa’s friends who were all lesbians judged her for now dating a man. This is because they thought that Alyssa was a lesbian. Her friends were judging her because she was maybe becoming a bi sexual and not a lesbian like she thought she had been, “Biphobia, like homophobia, is prejudice based on negative stereotypes. It is often born of ignorance” (Diehl, Ochs p.385). Throughout the movie Alyssa had to explain her sexual past because of her sexual orientation. She was judged and belittled due to being a bi sexual, and when her past relationships were brought up they were

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