
Successful Implementation Of An Enterprise Resource Planning Essay

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Answer No 2. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Successful implementation of an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is not impossible in real life but for that it must be developed through a proper planning and implementation. ERP are designed to upgrading an organization’s ability to generate more timely and accurate information for its supply chain. Most of the companies have faced heavy problems while trying to implement ERP systems and have led to serious problems. The report is about the failure of largest IT in southern Hemisphere. The project, which was 300%over budget and 18 months behind, scheduled time. Even though there are many causes for the failure but most common were lack of proper planning, no segregation of rules and responsibilities, and no proper communication between workers and higher authorities. Among many reasons some are explained below with recommendations. Even though there were many of the audits and inquiries about the failure of the system the main reason they found was the poor governance throughout which even KPMG has also audited (LeMay R. (2013). INTRODUCTION: Every day the organization faces the dilemma of making decisions. Management and decision-making are often considered as integrated task for which management makes the major decision of the organization (Young, 1982). For making a valid decision management must have the knowledge about them and must seek about the alternative with the data available to them. Nowadays, every organization invests

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