
The Cost Of Costs : Possible Cost Containment Strategies For U.s. Health Care Costs

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The Cost of Costs: Possible Cost-Containment Strategies for U.S. Health Care
American’s health care cost is notoriously high compared to other industrial countries’ health care costs. Why is this the reality? This is the question Mark Stabile et. al. argues in “Health Care Cost Containment Strategies Used in Four Other High-Income Countries Lessons For the United States.” Although the other four countries— Switzerland, UK, Germany and France—are not perfect, they have cost-containment strategies that the U.S. could replicate. The main goals are that the U.S. needs better cost-effective measurements, an increase in negotiating powers with providers and pharmaceutical companies, and more uniform prices for the same services. The question then becomes how will the U.S. accomplish these goals?
The cleanest way to lower cost prices would be to create a single-payer system. The government would be the sole payer for health care and thus have more power to negotiate for lower costs, which would be unilaterally implemented. In addition, the government would decide which medicines and technologies should be purchased or pursued, similar to the UK’s National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) system. However, this is idealistic and based upon a purist single-payer system, which even if it could be implemented, would run counter to the current U.S. system in place, which relies heavily upon private insurance.
What then would be a realistic strategy to lower costs? Richard

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