
The Pros And Cons Of Andrew Jackson

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Imagine you are and a Indian living on your land that the US government gave you. However a couple of years later you are kicked out of your land by the US government who gave you the land to start and had made a treaty with you. You are forced to march west away from the land you had lived on for several years. Well because of a man named Andrew Jackson this was all true. This did not only happen once this was going on around the country due to the expansion of the US population. This is why Andrew Jackson presidency should not be admired because he was inhumane to Indians and he got rid of the national bank. One of the well know way he got rid of the indians was The Trail of Tears Andrew Jackson presidency should not be admired because he was inhumane to Indians. In the 1800s the US was just starting it expansion toward the west and to be continental. During this time Indians were still living east of the Mississippi. While the American population and economy grew Indian land was in higher demand causing conflict. The Tribes believed they had the right to the land but President Jackson felt different. In 1830, he signed the Indian Removal Act which allowed him to exchange land with the indians to move them west so the Americans could have the land on the east. What was even worse about this was, congress said they were fine where they were but President Jackson opposed and did it anyways. Most of the indians were peaceful but some resisted. The ones that resisted

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