
The Unified Modeling Language ( Uml )

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The Unified Modeling language (UML) is defined in the Software Engineering as a form of defining the design of the system. It is a way to envision the system architecture in the form of a diagram. The paper discusses about the genesis of UML modeling and the forms of diagrams which are used in the UML modeling based on the survey conducted on various employees based on their skill set and level of experience in the software engineering field. Now we will go through each aspect of the UML modeling and try to derive conclusions on how far was UML modeling has been able to penetrate into day to day activities of this field and also discuss about the complexities associated with each components of the UML modeling as well as pros and cons. UML is powerful modeling language by which we can develop many diagrams which are user ready.UML can be used in web and commercial applications etc.UML is used to visualize, construct and to make a note of the software systems. In the beginning it was only used for the object oriented documentation and it can be also applied in the visualization of certain systems for elements such as discrete components in a system and their interaction and user interaction. The UML contains many diagrams which are used to envision a system architecture. In UML the diagrams are divided into two types mainly1)Structural UML diagrams and 2)Behavioral UML diagrams . The Structural UML diagrams contain class diagram, composite diagram, component diagram,

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