
Unit 5 Health And Social Care Level 3 Unit 4 M1

Satisfactory Essays

The purpose of this email is to inform you of a concern that we, the tenants in Unit #4 at 2332 Saidel Drive, have regarding a noise issue from Unit #3.

For quite some time, we have been hearing a loud, whirring, and humming/vibrating noise coming from this unit. Not only do we hear it through our walls and the bathroom, but also our bedroom, which makes it very difficult to get a restful night’s sleep. We have tried wearing earplugs and even create white noise, but it does not drown it out or mask it. It is impractical to manage one's sleep this way.

Also, we politely asked the neighbors about it and were told it was a ceiling fan that was not working properly. As they are renters, we understand the need to turn it on. However, it is

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