
Purpose Of Life Essay

Decent Essays

The consideration of the purpose of life has been ongoing and is never-ending throughout the course of history. The question itself has caused many people to generate many different strong views and opinions based on traditional, ideological backgrounds, and religious outlooks. The deliberation about the meaning of life will never end since there is not one reassuring basic, general answer. Instead, examine the question in another way, like, “What is my purpose in life?” The purpose of life varies from one person to another because of “free will.” While some people believe that for every human, life is called to some divine duty by God, everyone has a different drive that is waiting to be discovered within themselves, and people must set …show more content…

Furthermore, everything that occurs in life is a random process and it is not permanent. Hence, it rejects the idea of finding that one purpose that someone is meant to do. Life will throw many events and circumstances that may be beneficial and some that will make a person learn or grow from. Every human being has their own task to do on this planet. Therefore, individuals cannot have one common purpose in life. The most significant thought is to seek for it in oneself, rather than merely agreeing with someone else’s notion of it. Setting priorities by knowing themselves through doing or action will help define purpose in one’s life. For example, A purpose can be found in the necessary things people do, like cooking for their loved ones, a purpose can be in someone’s career, personal activities, and providing for their family. A good place to start finding what a person believe is to ask oneself what an individual believe the meaning of life is: “The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self” (Albert Einstein). Purpose in life can change at different points. A purpose may be discovered at this very moment in someone’s life. In months or years from now, life may be different and be served by a new sense of purpose. For instance, life’s purpose may have everything to do with getting established in

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