
The Health Care Facilities And Organizations

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The health care facilities and organizations are owned and operated by largely private sector businesses. These health care facilities and organizations are managed by health care managers such as administrators and executives who play important roles to make sure the facilities and organizations are free of fraud, strong business objectives and policies, and a strong financial operational and medical operation. Like any other company, the health care organizations face with health care fraud and medical errors. Therefore, the management and the internal auditing come together and share their knowledge and tools to assess and evaluate the risks, issues and policies and make sure to there is not any risk of audit failure during the audit process. Brief History of Health Management, Inc. When we went to the hospitals and clinics whether the visit is for an emergency or for a monthly check up, all we see is doctors, nurses and care givers who are working front line in the health care industry . We tend to forget about the other professionals such as managers and executives, who are actually play important role managing the organization and making health services available and accessible to the people. According to Haddock, McLean, & Chapman (2002), early hospital administrators were called superintendents, and the nurses and doctors were responsible for any administrative decisions. The University of Chicago established the first graduate program in hospital administration

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