
Unit 13 P1

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opyright- Copyright gives the creators of some types of media rights to control how they're used and distributed. Music, books, video and software can all be covered by copyright law. They also affect other things such as names and logos, if a company was to be making a product and selling it as PG tips then Unilever will be entitled to take the makers of the fake PG TIPS to court as they are the owners of the name and they sell and produce the product. Shareholders will care about this as if they were to be selling the product cheaper than they were then people will buy it after being misleading, this could harm the business as they think that PG TIPS has gone down in quality and they would also therefore lose sales. They would therefore potentially …show more content…

The shareholders will care about the business’s adverts as they will need to have them at a good standard for the business. And for them not be fined and then have to make a new advert.
Health and Safety- The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 is the piece of legislation covering health and safety in Great Britain at work. The Health and Safety Executive, with local authorities is responsible for enforcing the Act and a number of other Acts and Statutory Instruments relevant to the working environment. This is going to be important for Unilever as they will have to look at the business and if they are complying with all these acts for health and safety if they are not then they will be prosecuted if they get caught, they are legally allowed to be inspected at any point without warning. …show more content…

Unilever will want to regenerate their product so that they will be able to be the market leaders for the product again, this is going to be essential for some products where they rely on the business being a good market leader for most of their products. The shareholders will want to know about the business as they will want to have the business sot be the market leader for the company and they will also want to have the product regenerated as quick so that sales are not hit too effectively. They will also want the product to review and test why it has become a decline in sales to make sure that they are going to stop it from happening to other

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