
UNIT 4222-304

Better Essays

Learning Outcome 1
1.1 define the following types of abuse: * Physical abuse: hitting, slapping, kicking, punching & misuse of medication * Sexual abuse: rape/non-consensual sex, sexual assault, inappropriate touching, kissing & groping * Emotional/psychological abuse: threats of harm/abandonment, over controlling, harassment, intimidation & withdrawal from support networks/services * Financial abuse: financial exploitation, theft, misuse of possessions, property or benefits, by someone who has been trusted to handle finances. * Institutional abuse: misuse of medication, failing to provide appropriate care for a vulnerable adult/child, treating adults as children, little/no choice of social activity/dress/possessions * …show more content…

* Health & Safety policy
* Dignity policy/dignity champions
* Staff team/colleagues
* Line managers
* Whistleblowing policy
* Support/care plans

Learning Outcome 4
4.1 explain how the likelihood of abuse may be reduced by:
* working with person centred values – these may include things that are specific to the individual, their rights and dignity should be respected at all times. Individuals have the values of any person in the world; rights, independence, privacy, dignity, choices for every aspect of life, partnership & individuality should all be respected in order for a person to have their own values met. If all these things are met for the individual, then the likelihood of abuse may be reduced due to the person being able to make his/her own decisions in everyday tasks E.G. choosing clothing/meals/activities. Each individual whether in care or not has the expectation to be listened to and their choices respected, if this is not done, then the

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