
Unit 8 D2

Satisfactory Essays

As a manager of my company’s web-design and web-hosting specialist and programmers, I need to satisfy the CEO’s request to improve the team’s performance. In order to accomplish this, I will develop a system of output control systems to assess performance through financial measures, organizational goals, and operating budgets. Furthermore, using financial measures of performance will evaluate performance through profit ratios, which measures how efficiently managers are using the organization’s resources. While generating profits, I will also be calculating the organization’s net income before taxes divided by its total assets, also known as return on investment. After calculating this, I will calculate the difference between the amount of revenue generated and the resources used to produce the product through a process called gross profit margin. …show more content…

Along with output control, I will enforce the process of behavior control to motivate employees through direct supervision, management by objectives, and rules and standard operating procedures. To accomplish behavior controls and improve the team’s performance, I will first set specific goals and objectives for each level of the organization so each employee feels valuable to the company. Next I will have managers and their subordinates to determine the subordinates’ goals so to ration the equity within the company. Lastly, I will have managers and subordinates review the subordinates’ progress of meeting goals every month in order to keep track of productivity and

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